Friday, January 24, 2014

Liquid Hot Magma.... Lava Mat - Now with Magma flows!

Couldn't resist the blog title.  As any of my friends know, I was obsessed with the Austin Powers movies from the 90's.  Liquid Hot Magma... ok, I will stop, I promise.

So I took the pics from the earlier post a bit early.  Technically I was only half done with the mat when I posted those shots.  Sue me, I was excited to post about a new shiny thing.  I added a black wash to the mat, and it added that much needed flow to the mat.  putting in the curvy hill/obsidian hills puts some movement on the otherwise static color.  The best thing though is it really makes the yellows and oranges pop way out of the red.  I did a LOT of painting today, and while I had these hills reserved for an arctic set I am building, they looked WAY better cracked and black.  So I decided to flesh these out for the lava mat instead.  Gotta say, these look REALLY good.

Even tested out the catwalks and platforms from the urban set, and I gotta say... they look pretty good here too.  I will be playing a game tomorrow with this, so we will see just how fancy a setup we can get.  I will let the nerds pick the terrain, because I want to see how they would set it up.  I tend to see where the holes in the terrain are when it's not my hands on the tiller so to speak.

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