Monday, January 6, 2014

From Trash to ....well still trash, but Terrain too!

What would you do if you liked to make Terrain but had a shoestring budget?  If your answer was prostitution, you are looking at the wrong kind of blog.  If your answer was dumpster diving, look no further!!

I made a small set of pieces for a monthly build contest, the theme of which was "Terrain from Trash"  Rules were very open ended, but each item must be made in the majority out of trash or recycled materials.  Gotta say, the number of entries in that month's build was absolutely CRAZY, but I learned quite a bit, mostly through trial and error.  Pics as usual after the jump.

1 comment:

  1. nice, simple work. This post really shows how it doesn't have to be overly complicated to create good looking terrain.
